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Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Summer Kanagawa Oki Nami Ura
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
1 0 things to know about volcanoes
Monday, 9 November 2020
thankyou letter
Chase c
40 campion road
Dear norm thankyou for letting us come on camp and we would not be able to come on camp you make funny jokes and do cool games like paper scissors' rock my favorite was the flying fox it was so fun i liked the bit where you jump off the edge and to look down. My least favorite was paintball. It hurt like hundreds of wasps started to sting me at the same time. Miss hickling got me in the back,arm, and leg so I got back. I was really good at rock climbing and high ropes because I'm good. So thank you from chase
we were writing about camp and to thank someone
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
First time riding a horse
When you're just a small boy riding a horse feels hundreds of meters high. I was only nine but it was my first time. As I got on the horse I was paralyzed when I got on. I was scared, I thought of happy thoughts and I was brave when I got off. I was so relieved that I did it because When you're just a small boy riding a horse feels hundreds of meters high.
we were thinking of a time of being scared
i found easy to write my plan because i didn't need to do that much work
and i found hard to do my writing book and then my chromebook because it ook a long time
Friday, 16 October 2020
we were finding out what service we had o find out synonyms and bible quotes on google
i found hard to write the bible quote
and i found easy to write the synonyms and the rest
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Chinese Language week
Sacraments of initiation rap
we were learning to create a rap with the Sacraments of initiation. with wevideo
i found hard to figure out what to say
i found easy to build confidence and say
Monday, 21 September 2020
Faith value challenge
screencastify for speech
speech 2020
Are Black holes real?
Have you ever thought about if blackholes are real? I strongly believe that blackholes exist. I'm going to be speaking about how blackholes are created, how blackholes are dangerous, and how there are millions of them in the milky way.
Firstly, black holes are real because we have one in the middle of our galaxy that has been feeding for millions of years. One day the earth will get sucked up in the blackhole because they travel and one day could suck up the earth. Black holes are created when stars explode when the core heats up and if the star is massive enough it makes a black hole that lives for millions of years. It takes 10 million years for a black hole to die and when it does it causes a massive explosion. There is an event called horizon and it is the point of no return. Not even light can escape a black hole that's how strong it is.
Secondly, Black holes are very dangerous because you can get pulled apart like spaghetti. It's good we are on the edge of the galaxy otherwise earth would be gone. They are very exciting and interesting. black holes die over time
Lastly there are 10 millions in our milky way alone. Sucking 10s of thousands of stars every 3 years. That’s scary and amazing!
Have you ever thought about if black holes are real? I strongly believe that black holes exist. I'm going to be speaking about how black holes are created, how black holes are dangerous, and how there are millions of them in the milky way.
black holes are real We have one in the middle of our galaxy that has been feeding for millions of holes are created when stars explode when the core heats up and if the star is massive enough it makes a black hole that lives for millions of years.
our class was learning to make a speech of what we wanted to do i did black holes because they are interesting and scary. i found challenging to find all the facts. and i found easy to write the facts.
Friday, 18 September 2020
Catholic Social Teaching Digital
we were learning about Catholic Social Teaching we had to watch videos and do it in our slides and write information. i found easy to write the information because it was not to complicated i found hard to remember all the facts because there was a lot of information
Thursday, 27 August 2020
great white sharks Information Report
The great white shark's name is mackerel sharks. It's the biggest shark that eats meat in the sea. It's three x smaller than the megalodon. It likes seals and fish, sometimes human to
The great white has 3000 teeth. When it loses a tooth it grows a new tooth. It has muscles that
generate heat to keep itself in cold water. The male is 6-4m long. THE female is 4-1 m long.
The great white is mostly in warmer water. It can go in cold water if it wants to. They also live in the united states of north east. And california and south america. They might live in New Zealand and gisborne.
Great whites can 56 km/h that's a lot of speed. One bite can be fatal, that's how strong the great white is. Young great whites can eat small and medium fish and rays. great whites are at the top of the food chain this means it has no pretertes.
Monday, 24 August 2020
touch rugby
Friday, 14 August 2020
Monday, 3 August 2020
The weta is the heaviest insect in the world. And it is as heavy as three mice. The weta is an endangered species. There is over 70 weta in new zealand.
Wetas live in caves and trees and other places. like zoos, especially Auckland zoo. Also the live on four islands.
the weta can camouflage in its surroundings from enemies. It can mult 10 times in 18 months and then eat there own skin. The weta eats leaves and seeds. then it pops the seed out to make trees.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Friday, 24 July 2020
Evaluation Activity
today we were learning how to Evaluate the text
i found easy to write th text in the boxes
i found hard to read the text
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
cyclone bola book cover
today we were learning how to do a book about cyclone Bola
i found hard to keep getting the rain drops
i found easy to get the image from google
Thursday, 2 July 2020
puppy description
today we are learning how to write a puppy description
i found easy to write it
i found hard to use puncherwashin
I think… T Chart
today we were learning how to find evidence from the text
i found easy to write it
i found hard to think about the text
matariki breakfast
Today we are learning about matariki and we had a matariki breakfast
I found hard to choose my food
I found easy to eat my food
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Cuz Te Reo Translations
today we were learning how to do Cuz Te Reo Translations
i found hard to find the pictures
i found easy to do the slides and the writing
Monday, 29 June 2020
Monday, 22 June 2020
Cuz Missing Person Poster
i found hard to use scribble
i found easy to use polyline
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Cuz Story Ending
i found easy to think about the story
Vocabulary - Synonyms
to day we are learning how to think of Synonyms
i found hard to write the words and think
i found easy to publish it
Survival in the Bush
today we were learning about what items the characters need
i found hard to do the tent
i found easy to do the lighter
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
transubstantiation meaning
it means the breed of jesus and the wine
Monday, 15 June 2020
Friday, 12 June 2020
Matariki Quiz
we are learning how to think what is in Matariki
i found easy to do matariki because we did a a Quiz
i found hard to do it because i forgot most of it
Lockdown Recount
Yay i shouted as i got out of bed i rolled out of bed with a big BANG! It was so loud it woke my mum, dad and brother and my mum is what happened. And i'm like today is the day mack comes over did you forget that mack is coming over. 2 hours later mack come. Do you want to play minecraft? We went into a new world. For 2 hours
We went on the tramp for half an hour then I fell and did a big BANG! I had to go inside and go in my bedroom for a while and mack came in and said are you ok chase i said no i was sad we went on the playstation4 agian
Friday, 5 June 2020
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Flexi Physics Activity
we are learning to a challenge
i found easy to dropper poppers
i found hard to do do the stretch and throw
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Monday, 4 May 2020
Friday, 1 May 2020
Friday, 24 April 2020
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Friday, 17 April 2020
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
the story of easter
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Summer Holidays
Screech! I woke up terrified. “To Kit no more humpty dumpty anxiously I leaped out of bed and rushed into the kitchen. So I made breakfast. After that I was jumping around making so much noise my dad didn't want to come so we picked up mack so when we got back there was an earthquake. It collapsed my massive lego tower. I was anxious because my TV could have fallen off, thank goodness it didn't.
The time we went to Loten
Grrr I had to hop in the car for 5 hours. It was so boring but my friends were coming. I went diving and there were stingrays. I got to the stingrays. It was super cool. I was scared that they were going to Kill me.
Going to the waff
Zoom we went in the car to the waff I was so scared this was my first time going there. My dad was going to push me because I was to slow mean I back flops it was soooooo! Sore we left to go home i was soaked sad for me