Monday 29 June 2020


One beautiful saturday the sun was shining bright o the water It looked like shining diamonds two best friends went out fishing in a little ro-boat there were evergreen trees and pine trees going up the hill

Monday 22 June 2020

Cuz Missing Person Poster

  to day i was learning how to create Cuz Missing Person

                                                                             i found hard to use scribble
                                                                     i found easy to use polyline

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Cuz Story Ending

Wake up huia I can hear a helicopter they started screaming. Like a pack of wolves were here were here! The polite couldn't hear them so huia and river started a fire but it was to late the helicopter left so they keep hiking until they got very far river and huia took a brake for some food and water they had a rest then the ot to the top of the mountain after 3 hours later river and huia ate some weka and keep going until they heard a big plane there legs aching in pain but they new they had to keep going our they won't get out alive river found a shotgun with 6 bullets he found a big brown dear he shot it and killed it river shouted we have dinner They cooked  the brown deer huia siad luck cuz where did you find it river said in the forest with  blood everywhere  were he found it huia was shaking in fear the deer smelled like very sweet           

we were learning how to think what our story will be at the end

i found easy to think about the story
i found hard to use detail to the story

Vocabulary - Synonyms

to day we are learning how to think of Synonyms
i found hard to write the words and think
i found easy to publish it

Survival in the Bush


today we were learning about what items  the characters need

i found hard to do the tent

i found easy to do the lighter

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Question Chart

transubstantiation meaning

 today  we are learning what transubstantiation means                           

  it means the breed of jesus and the wine       



Friday 12 June 2020

Matariki Quiz

we are learning how to think what is in Matariki

i found easy to do matariki because we did a a Quiz

i found hard  to do it because i forgot most of it

Symbol of the Trinity

Lockdown Recount

Yay i shouted as i got out of bed i rolled out of bed with a big BANG! It was so loud it woke my mum, dad and brother and my mum is what happened. And i'm like today is the day mack comes over did you forget that mack is coming over. 2 hours later mack come. Do you want to play minecraft? We went into a new world. For 2 hours
We went on the tramp for half an hour then I fell and did a big BANG! I had to go inside and go in my bedroom for a while and mack came in and said are you ok chase i said no i was sad we went on the playstation4 agian

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Flexi Physics Activity

we are learning to a challenge

i found easy to dropper poppers

i found hard  to do do the stretch and throw